Why Create a Fund Instead of a Syndication?
Are funds more beneficial than syndications for the investors? Are they better for the sponsors? How to approach investors when you have a deal? How to find a great partner [...]
Are funds more beneficial than syndications for the investors? Are they better for the sponsors? How to approach investors when you have a deal? How to find a great partner [...]
How to raise a $16M syndication in one day? What are the main things they wish they knew earlier in their careers? Mark Shuler and Josh Welch, founders of [...]
How should you raise capital for your first real estate deal? What is the lifetime value of your investors? Should you get investment commitments or a deal first? Dave Dubeau [...]
How should you fundraise? What are the best practices? Ben Kogut, partner at HJH Investments will share his extensive experience with fundraising for syndications. Ben focuses on Investor Relations and [...]